Be A Part of The Effort to Save The Highland Park Apartment Building!

Hey Des Moines! As you may know these last few weeks we have been working hard to save a cool building in our community, The Highland Park Apartments. Today, we're pleased to announce that Jack Hatch of Hatch Development joined our Preservation Corps United team late Friday and that was enough to earn a 60 day reprieve to the demolition of Highland Apartments! We could not ask for a better local partner and we are thrilled to get down to business of finding a viable path forward to historically renovate the Highland Apartments!

A big thank you to everyone who stepped up to help make this possible. We will be at city council tonight to offer our thanks.

We will also be hosting a fundraiser in honor of Preservation Month at MIX Creative Community on Tuesday, May 23rd. Click here to purchase tickets & learn more!


URGENT! Demo Permit Back On Monday 6/12!


Des Moines Needs to Prioritize Preservation